使用方法: 1 解压缩后检查/Frameworks/art/ 等目录下的 xoops_version.php内的版本定义,确认该版本比你当前所用版本新 2 将/Frameworks/目录上传到你的XOOPS根目录下,效果为 XOOPS/Frameworks/art XOOPS/Frameworks/captcha XOOPS/Frameworks/fpdf XOOPS/Frameworks/PEAR XOOPS/Frameworks/textsanitizer XOOPS/Frameworks/transfer XOOPS/Frameworks/compat XOOPS/Frameworks/xoops22 (for compat) 3 检查文件名,确认正确使用了大小写,比如"Frameworks"不是"frameworks" 4 设定相关参数 4.1 ./fpdf/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php, you could check schinese.php as example, or inline comments in english.php 4.2 ./textsanitizer/config.php: check inline comments 4.3 ./transfer/: 4.3.1 ./transfer/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php 4.3.2 ./transfer/modules/: for developers only, add transfer handler for your module, or store the file as: XOOPS/modules/mymodule/include/plugin.transfer.php 4.3.3 ./transfer/plugin/: add items available for the transfer 4.3.4 ./transfer/plugin/myplugin/config: configurations for a plugin 4.3.5 ./transfer/plugin/myplugin/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php 4.3.6 ./transfer/bar.transfer.php: set "$limit" for number of plugins that will be displayed on a front page; 4.4 ./compat/language/: make your local langauge files based on /english/ 4.5 ./captcha/: 4.5.1 ./captcha/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php 4.5.2 ./captcha/config.php: set configs 5 XOOPS 2.2* 用户需要把 /Frameworks/compat/language/english/local.php /Frameworks/compat/language/english/local.class.php /Frameworks/compat/language/schinese/local.php (或/Frameworks/compat/language/schinese_utf8/local.php) 分别拷贝到XOOPS/language/相应目录下